
Read our latest thoughts on Estate Planning, Trust Services and Mutual Funds.

Client Acquisition 6/22/2021

Five (Not So Obvious) Reasons Prospects Should Choose You

You cultivate friends. You talk with prospects. Today they have more choices than ever. Why should they do business with you and your firm? READ MORE

Financial Advisors 6/15/2021

What’s Next for My Business: Is This a Trend or a Sea Change?

The pandemic has delivered both crises and opportunities. If you run your own operation or are guiding a larger organization, you are wondering: Ho... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 6/8/2021

Examining the Recent Performance of Growth and Value Stocks

In the name of diversification, you likely include a combination of growth and value stocks when building your client’s portfolios. The ratio, of c... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 6/1/2021

The Many Advantages of Being a Newer Advisor

Younger people often feel at a disadvantage in the financial services business. It’s a business where silver hair implies competence. READ MORE

Video 5/26/2021

Video: Using Emotions as Your Investment Guide Could Cost You

It's no secret that letting emotions guide your investment strategy could be a costly decision. However, it can be hard not to let fear get the bes... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 5/18/2021

How Can You Make the Most of Your “About Me” Page?

You just met a fantastic HNW individual at a networking event, and even better, got their contact information. You are already planning to follow u... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 5/11/2021

10 Ways to Be Politely Persistent

Polite persistence means staying on the prospect’s radar screen without being annoying. This is a longer-term strategy, but it’s employed with many... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 5/4/2021

Financial Advisor Designations: Which Acronym is Best for You?

It’s no secret that the financial world is filled with acronyms. However, it can feel like a secret when you have to decipher each and every meaning. READ MORE

Trust 4/29/2021

IRA Planning for a Beneficiary Affected by Substance Abuse

Many parents will name children as beneficiaries of their IRAs, but when one of those children has had a substance abuse problem, estate and inheri... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 4/27/2021

Update: IRS Says “Oops” About Their IRA Error

Last week an IRS spokesperson said the calculations shown in IRS Publication 590-B are incorrect and will be revised. READ MORE

Trust 4/22/2021

Establishing an IRA Trust for a Special Needs Child

While IRA owners may name their special needs child as the beneficiary of their IRA to prepare for their child’s future, doing so may have unforese... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 4/20/2021

It's Time to Discuss the 99.5 Percent Act With Your Clients

Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced a bill called the “For the 99.5 Percent Act.” This bill will include a change in the estate tax exemption tha... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 4/15/2021

SECURE Act 10-Year Rule May Require Annual RMDs

Since the SECURE Act’s passage in 2019, the industry has worked under the assumption that the 10-Year rule provided designated beneficiaries with o... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 4/13/2021

Building Your Business Post-COVID May Seem a Lot like Pre-COVID

As we emerge from the COVID era, you may find that people are eager to meet with you, to shake your hand. You may begin to see a keen interest in b... READ MORE

Trust 4/8/2021

Is Giving IRA to Charity the Only Alternative to Paying the Tax?

Homer wrote about the dilemma Odysseus faced as he crossed the strait of Messina. For investors with large IRAs, the SECURE Act poses a similar, Od... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 4/6/2021

How Financial Advisors Use Backlinks to Improve Their Website's SEO

SEO for financial advisors comprises of many strategies. Here are 5 ways to get backlinks to boost your website’s search ranking and bring more tra... READ MORE

Trust 4/1/2021

Eliminating the SECURE Act Tax on an IRA

Although the SECURE Act eliminated the stretch IRA strategy, IRA owners who are updating their estate plans may find a potential substitute for the... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 3/30/2021

Look Back on Your Accomplishments

The job of a financial advisor can be likened to climbing a ladder. We look upwards and are sometimes dismayed by how far away our goals seem to be. READ MORE

Trust 3/25/2021

How Leaving an IRA to Your Spouse Could Disinherit Your Kids

Leaving your IRA to your spouse may be a problem if they remarry. Assigning your spouse as the beneficiary may lead to unintentionally disinheritin... READ MORE

Client Retention 3/23/2021

Why Isn't Everyone Rich?

Many people think investing is easy. In this article, Bryce Sanders discusses seven reasons why everyone isn't rich, and how individual investors m... READ MORE