If you work with or are trying to work with a charity, a fundraising letter tied to a holiday is a simple yet effective way for the charity to take its fundraising efforts to the next level.
With Valentine's Day right around the corner, why not use this special day when hearts are open to see if you can help your charity increase donations?

We wrote this letter to appeal to donors with creative ways of donating to the charity to help bring in new, recurring, and what might be significant future donations. This letter supports your charitable organization in getting started with a different holiday to appeal to their donor's hearts.
Here is a sample of what Valentine’s appeal might look like.
Dear valued donor,
Open Your Heart on Valentine's Day
Our Special Giving Appeal to Support our Community
Your gift makes a tremendous impact on our community and helps us achieve the goals we set. It could be the difference between completing a project or allowing it to wither undone.
Remember that giving to others gives to you – it helps you feel better - Like a Valentine’s Day gift you give to yourself!
There are various ways for you to make a charitable donation. Here are some ways you can help us expand the good we do to help grow our organization.

A Cash Gift
The simplest way to give is through a cash gift. Please complete the enclosed donation card with the amount you feel comfortable giving towards the good we do.
We value every donation!
You might want to consider an automated monthly recurring contribution. Contribute the amount you are comfortable donating each month. Even if you made a small $10-a-month recurring donation, you would help us immensely because the good we do is 12 months a year, and the community we serve does not take a month off. Contact our Director Manager Mary Smith at (555) 555 – 5555 to learn more.
Qualified Charitable Distribution
A Qualified Charitable Distribution allows our donors who are 70½ years old or older to donate up to $100,000 a year to our community directly from their taxable IRA.
We believe it gets interesting when you turn age 73.
At age 73, IRS requires you to take Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) from your IRA. These RMDs can push you into higher income tax brackets which can increase the taxes you pay, may increase the amount of your Social Security subject to income tax, and potentially increase your Medicare premium.
A Qualified Charitable Distribution is paid directly from your IRA to us. You cannot have the RMD sent to you first to qualify as a QCD.
When executed correctly, your RMD is no longer counted as income, resulting in possible tax savings, maybe fewer taxes on Social Security, and may lower your medicare cost.
If this is a strategy, you would like to explore, speak to Mary, and she can contact our Financial Advisor, who can discuss this with you free of charge.
An Advanced Giving Approach: A Trust Created for Legacy Charitable Giving
When properly established, a trust known as a Charitable Remainder Trust may allow you to sell highly appreciated assets like stocks and real estate and provide four main benefits:
- Eliminate the capital gains tax at the point of sale
- Convert the asset to possible lifetime income for you
- Provide a tax deduction to pay less taxes
- Provide a gift to our community when you pass away
Mary can arrange a complimentary conversation with our financial advisor who can discuss how this trust works.

Finally – Would You Consider Donating Your Birthday?
If you are having a special birthday and prefer your guest not to bring presents, why not ask that instead of gifts, they donate to our community!
It is a beautiful way to enjoy your birthday with friends and add to the good our community does.
You can also consider anniversaries, the Holidays, or any other event that you feel the most extraordinary gift your friends and family can give you is helping expand our good.
Our mission continues, and we stand firmly committed to continuing our work.
To those who have contributed in the past, thank you. Our mission would not exist without you.
Please give what you can.
Happy Valentine's Day!
With kind regards,
(1) https://www.pnas.org/content/103/42/15623
(2) https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2008/04/money-spent-on-others-can-buy-happiness/
(3) https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/the_helpers_high
(4) https://www.thinkadvisor.com/2016/02/18/using-the-qualified-charitable-distribution-5-ira-scenarios-2/#:~:text=Back%20in%202006%2C%20Congress%20passed,make%20donations%20from%20their%20IRAs.
Important Disclosures:
This communication is general in nature and provided for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered or relied upon as legal, tax or investment advice of an investment recommendation, or as a substitute for legal or tax counsel. Any investment products or services named herein are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be considered an offer to buy or sell, or an investment recommendation for, any specific security, strategy or investment product or service. Always consult a qualified professional or your own independent financial professional for personalized advice or investment recommendations tailored to your specific goals, individual situation, and risk tolerance.
IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal revenue Code or (il) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.
Federal and state laws and regulations are complex and subject to change, which can materially impact your results. Charitable deductions at the federal level are available only if you itemize deductions. Rules and regulations regarding tax deductions for charitable giving vary at the state level, and laws of a specific state or laws relevant to a particular situation may affect the applicability, accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Dunham & Associates Investment Counsel, Inc. and Dunham Trust Company cannot guarantee that such information is accurate, complete or timely; and disclaims any liability arising out of your use of, or any tax position taken in reliance on, such information. Always consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific legal or tax situation.
The trust is subject to the published fee schedule at the time the trust is established.
Because the annuity payments from CRATS are fixed and must immediately begin after the creation of the trust, the underlying assets within the structure must be kept highly liquid.
Income tax consequences for the donor can be complex, depending on the individual situation. All or some of the income from the trust may be taxed at ordinary income rates, but part may be taxed at lower capital gains tax rates, or may even be tax-free, for some years.
Trust services offered through Dunham Trust Company, a Nevada Trust Company.
Advisory services and securities offered through Dunham & Associates Investment Counsel, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser and Broker/Dealer. Member FINRA / SIPC, and affiliated entity of Dunham Trust Company.