Another informative series from Dunham.
This six part series is meant to help YOU get to YES with your wealthy clients when discussing topics related to trusts. Beginning 10/22/2020, every Thursday for the next 6 weeks, Jeffrey Dunham, CEO of Dunham and Ann Rosevear, President and Chief Trust Officer at Dunham Trust Company, will walk you through six common topics that they are asked about trusts.
Videos topics include: why Nevada is an ideal location to setup a trust, how to earn the trust of wealthy prospects, control vs beneficial enjoyment, completed vs incomplete gifts, grantor vs non grantor trusts, and an overview of different types of trusts and when to use them.
This must watch series will be in bite sized installments and if you have any questions, you can call us and a Dunham Team member will be available to help YOU get to YES with your wealthy clients.
Click our video below to watch a brief trailer for this series and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on the latest Dunham Insights!